Mind Body Medicine

for body/mind/heart/spirit/community

Especially for chronic illness, pain, insomnia, anxiety, depression, stress, and trauma, Mind Body Medicine brings a richly therapeutic approach designed to engage the mind’s ability to affect bodily functions and symptoms.

The techniques you’ll learn address trauma and stress-induced biological damage and its psychological consequences.

These practices are the antidotes to the fight-or-flight, stress, and freeze responses. They reestablish broken brain connections and promote the healthy integration of thoughts and feelings.

These therapies can significantly enhance the effectiveness of other medical treatments, helping support the mechanisms within the body and mind that help us heal.

We positively impact our physical and mental health and well being, immune health, mood, digestion and metabolism, neurotransmitters and hormones, energy levels, inflammation, and pain perception.

  • Meditation and Mindfulness - made simple

  • Deep relaxation

  • Body awareness - What is my body telling me?

  • Emotional awareness and expression, emotions and feelings as guides

  • Mental imagery - the healing power of imagination

  • Biofeedback and Autogenics

  • Creativity

  • Journaling

  • Movement for well-being

  • Relationship with Food - Mindful Eating - Trauma Healing Diet

  • Genograms - Family history - to help us better understand ourselves

  • Spirituality/spiritual emotions and practices - forgiveness, gratitude, compassion, loving kindness

  • Group support


Lower levels of stress, improve mood, enhance resiliency and optimism, and help prevent and improve chronic health conditions.

Developed by Dr. Jim Gordon of The Center for Mind Body Medicine, Mind Body Skills Groups offer a powerful and effective combination of research-based mind-body techniques to help people deal with life changes, stress, and illnesses in an intimate and supportive group setting. 

The sessions focus on experiential practice and self-reflection. 

The group dynamic is supportive and allows participants to share their thoughts, feelings and emotions when and if they feel comfortable doing so. 

Two hour group sessions are held once a week for seven weeks. 

See the Groups/Classes page for info on upcoming Mind Body Skills Groups.

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